Kudos to Authors Everywhere…

I always thought I would write a fictitious book about growing up in a small beach community. When I was younger, I kept copious notes about interpersonal relationships I had with people I grew up with. I wanted to use those notes to write a book for adolescents to teach them something about life in a small town.

But as I got older, I became more and more engrossed with business books — management, marketing, social media, public relations, business planning — you name it, I probably read it!

When I noticed that there was a book missing in the social media area, I decided to do some research and write a book on my own. I wrote the book in two to three weeks. I’ve been editing the book now for months and I still feel like I have a way to go before it gets published!

After writing and editing this book, I feel compelled to thank all of you authors out there for your hard work. It really takes a lot to write a book. I never realized how much time and effort it actually took until I started to write one. So kudos authors everywhere…. And hopefully, within the next couple of months, my book will be published and I will be sending myself a kudos!

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