Marketing Nutrition in America by Christine Presto

America has a weight problem: FACT
Americans pay too much attention to nutrients in a food: FACT
The Book “In Defense of Food” should be read: FACT

I just recently finished Michael Pollann’s “Eater’s Manifesto” and I have to say – it changed completely my perspective on how America markets its nutrition to consumers. Overall, the book describes to people that we focus too much on nutrients. We buy low-carb, low-sugar, low-fat, high Vitamin C, etc… but fail to realize what all of this “food altering” does to the real thing, the stuff that humans have been eating for centuries.

But, modern America continues to market claims of the best nutrition to those who will listen, which in my mind is just about everyone. We all want to be healthier, fitter and more physically capable of achieving what we may consider body perfection. This book though is aimed at shattering our Western (“our” being Americans) thoughts on the matter. With all of the processed and altered foods we eat, we are actually harming ourselves.

Right in-line with me wrapping up this book, I received my monthly print newsletter from an association I am involved with, and what was one of the main stories? How to better market nutrition labels so it is easier to understand by the typical consumer. What a coincidence.

Do foods, real foods, really need marketing for you to understand them? We see happy kids eating Cuties and foreign women dancing with Chiquita bananas, but that is about the only “whole” foods I can think of that are marketed to the public. I can’t even begin to count the amount of freezer-stored and packaged cookie commercials that I see on TV.

This is just something to dwell upon, to really think about if a food is worth eating if there has to be better explanation given as to what is in it. It has been a big topic recently, especially in the political world, and if you would like to listen to some straight forward, common sense thoughts, I highly encourage you to pick up the bookIn Defense of Food” by Michael Pollan. Maybe it will change the way America looks at marketing a healthy lifestyle.

Buy “In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifest” Here!

From the Guest Blogger:  Hi there! My name is Christine and I am volunteering some of my ideas, knowledge and constant learning experiences to Hilary’s HJMT blog. Being from Georgia (we were raised to entertain), I love all things involving party and event planning. I worked for a short time under an event coordinator in Atlanta, but then decided for a change to the Marketing world. I currently work for The Propel Agency (@ThePropelAgency) based in the heart of Atlanta as their Junior Client Executive. I recently graduated from the University of Georgia with a Management degree, but the Marketing world has truly peaked my interest. I am constantly digging for the next big brand, awareness campaign or social media breakthrough! Being fresh out of school, I am currently just enjoying the city life in Atlanta. It is a fast paced, non-stop environment with something to do everyday, contrary to the stereotypical Southern style. Outside of work I am an avid runner, recently completed my first marathon, baker, DIY-er and traveler. You will see from some of my posts that I absolutely love French culture, being that I studied in Paris this past summer. If you would like to talk more or discuss topics you would like me to delve further into please find my twitter account @CLP1988

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