September is National Disaster Preparedness Month

While summer is starting to fade, FEMA is trying to keep disaster preparedness in mind with September being National Disaster Preparedness Month – an annual consumer awareness campaign with the goal of raising awareness among the average American to be prepared for disasters of all types.

Whether it’s an earthquake, mud slide, hurricane or power outage from a severe thunderstorm, disasters can happen at any time and every family should be prepared.

Make sure to pack an emergency bag for your family so you’re better prepared when disaster may strike.

Products to pack and have at the ready can run the gamut, including:

  • Water (one gallon per person per day)
  • Food (ready to eat or requiring minimal water)
  • First aid kit and any special needs items for children, seniors or people with disabilities
  • Several reliable sources of fire
  • Go-bags should even be made for pets with any basic supplies they may need.

In many cases, the ability to start a fire could be the difference between life and death. More on the Emergency Fire Starter here –

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