McDonald’s Leadership Skills….


When I met with Adina Genn for breakfast the other day, she handed me a book, “Everything I Know about Business I Learned at McDonald’s – the 7 Leadership Principles that Drive Break Out Success.”

“Thanks so much,” I said. “I read on Facebook that you co-wrote this book with Paul Facella, a former McDonald’s executive. I’m really excited to read it.”

I decided to take the book with me on vacation. (I love business books and that’s one of the things that relaxes me when I go away!)

On the plane to Belize, I read most of the book. Each chapter included tips and strategies on the success of the management style at McDonald’s. These strategies can be applied to any business. They included:

? Honesty and Integrity – Most important when running a business. If you are not honest with yourself, your customers and your vendors, you will never succeed.
? Relationships – it’s important to make sure you build relationships with your customers, your staff and your vendors!
? Standards – Make sure you set your standards high and don’t be satisfied so quickly. Make sure everything is perfect!
? Lead by Example – If you won’t do something, how can you expect your staff to do it?
? Courage – It’s important to have the courage to tell things like they are. If you don’t, your relationships will be damaged. Don’t be afraid of failure.
? Communication – Keep an open communication with your staff, the media and your customers.
? Recognition – Don’t forget to thank the people who work for you and recognize them when they do something well. Everyone gets motivated from recognition and it’s important to keep the motivation high in order to increase productivity.

I thought the book gave solid points and good tips to anyone who owns a business. I understood why McDonald’s was so successful all these years. Ray Kroc, who was McDonald’s original owner, really set the stage for those who followed him and that’s why the franchises thrive today.

Thanks Adina. This was a great eye-opener and worth the read! Published by McGraw Hill, “Everything I know About Business I Learned at McDonald’s” can be purchased either through Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Border books.

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