What is the Best Park for Hiking?

National parks are a national treasure—and Americans know it. The National Park Service saw 325.5 million recreation visits in 2023 (up more than 13 million visitors from the previous year!), and almost half of Americans (48%) say visiting the national parks is on their bucket list.National parks help preserve and protect many...

How to Handle Bad Days Around the Holidays

The holiday season, while often filled with joy and togetherness, can also bring about stress, loneliness, and even grief. It's important to remember that if you're having a bad day, or a series of them, it's okay. Here are some strategies to help you navigate these challenging times: Reframe Your...

Dealing with Politics and World Affairs During Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time to be with family and appreciate all that you have in this life. However, when politics and world affairs become a topic, this could create divisions and a happy time can turn into a time of dismay. When dealing with conflicting political views during Thanksgiving dinner...

What to Do in the Winter in NYC

It's getting cold outside so we will spend more time indoors. Luckily, we are so close to Manhattan that it's just a short train ride away. Manhattan has cultural adventures and thrilling experiences. The city offers many options for beating the cold while having a blast. Explore World-Class Museums New York...

How to Stay on Your Diet During the Halloween Season

Halloween, with its endless supply of candy and treats, can be a real nightmare for those trying to maintain a healthy diet. The temptation is everywhere: at work, in stores, at parties, and even at your front door when trick-or-treaters come calling. But fear not, you don't have to let...