What is the Best Park for Hiking?

National parks are a national treasure—and Americans know it. The National Park Service saw 325.5 million recreation visits in 2023 (up more than 13 million visitors from the previous year!), and almost half of Americans (48%) say visiting the national parks is on their bucket list.National parks help preserve and protect many...

46% of People of Color Say Employers Could Do More to Decrease Hair Discrimination

What gets me angry is our lack of understanding of different people and different cultures. We're not the "white America" that we may have been in the past. We are comprised of so many different types of people and those differences make us an amazing country, because we are not...

Mental Health Issues Amongst Older Employees

Mental stress factors at work and in private life are associated with sleep problems among older employees. As sleep and sleep quality are of key importance for recovery, disturbances in sleep and recovery may affect not only the quality of life, but also health as well as work and functional...

5 Ways to Make Immunization Easy for your Child

Guest Blog Vaccines save the lives of 3 million people every year. According to an article by the World Health Organization (WHO), specific ingredients in the shots like the antigen, adjuvant, preservatives and stabilizers can protect against at least 20 diseases like diphtheria, pertussis, influenza and measles. Vaccines are continuously...

CBD: 10 Must-know Science-based Facts By Eddie Fatakhov, M.D.

Cannabidiol is quickly becoming a household name better known as CBD. This marijuana plant-derived, non-psychoactive, natural remedy is being adapted to treat a wide variety of ailments from anxiety and pain to various seizure disorders. So what is this “miracle drug” and why should you care? Here are 10 science-based...