Being Born in December by Lori Alexy, HJMT VP

118.jpgWhen you are born, it is a special day. It becomes your special day for the rest of your life.

Imagine sharing that special day with another special day?

Would it ruin “your” special day?

Are you born in December?

My birthday is December 27th and each year I try to keep Christmas and my birthday separate. All year, friends and family talk about what they are going to do for their birthdays – dinners, clubs, concerts, the beach, etc. Going out to dinner in March or July is a lot different then the week of Christmas. Everyone is off and going out with families. A normal wait at a restaurant is usually doubled or tripled for my birthday.

Dinner is just the first part of it. Let’s talk about the gifts (not to sound selfish). My family has done a great job keeping Christmas and my birthday separate but there are some that have come into my life that combine them. How would you feel if in June I gave you a combination gift – this is for your birthday and Christmas. How would that make you feel?

So if you know anyone who is born in December remember that it is their special day, just like your special day that is not in the same month as the biggest shopping holiday of the year. Treat it like two different holidays and I promise you will make their special day even more special.

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