I Work Out With A Trainer…

I went to meet our new clients in Rochester with Lisa Gordon and Anthony Miller.  When we got there, I decided to give them each a copy of my book, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Social Media but were afraid to ask… Building Business Using Consumer Generated Media.

One of the women looked at the back cover and looked at me.  “You must have lost a zillion pounds since this photo was taken… Really, you did didn’t you?  Wow, you look amazing,” she said.

I laughed.  “Thank you.  I’ve been working out with a trainer…”

Later that day, I was walking through the airport and noticed that my size 6 shorts were falling down. I didn’t want them to fall down, they just did. “Sweet,” I thought! “Maybe I can go a size down… this is what happens when you work out with a trainer.”

When I got on the plane, my carry on luggage was so heavy but I managed to squeeze it in the overhead bin.  When the plane landed I had a little trouble but was able to get it out without a hitch.  “Wow, I’m impressed,” an older woman who was sitting behind me said.  “I can’t believe you just lifted that!”

“Well, I work out with a trainer,” I told her.

“You can sure tell,” she said and grinned.

I smiled to myself and walked off the plane with a heavy backpack, a huge bag with my iPad in it and a “super” heavy Vera Bradley carry on.

One Comment

  1. Lori42558

    You do look AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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