Opening Up A New Office…

Next week, HJMT COMMUNICATIONS, LLC will be opening a new office in Rochester. We’re hoping that this will continue to help situate us as the premier growing, boutique PR firm. When this office opens, we will have three offices – Manhattan, Long Island and Rochester!

Rochester is a great area. There are lots of businesses and major corporations are headquartered there. We started to send out materials to some of the businesses and have already gotten response so we’re excited about this growth opportunity.

Happily, one of my best staff members will be running the office. Her name is Lisa Gordon and she’s the Supervisor of PR.

When I first met Lisa nearly three years ago, I knew she was right for HJMT COMMUNICATIONS, LLC.  She had a positive attitude, very dedicated, really cared about the clients and about the company.  I knew, the moment I met her,  I would hire her and I did.

Sadly, I won’t see her every few days in the Long Island office. But, she’ll be back at least once a month, and I’ll be going up there every couple of months. So I’m happy about that.

When you work together so closely day in and day out, you become family. And as I said to her, “I’m not going to loose my family!”

Lisa grew up in Rochester. Her whole family lives there. And, her husband got an amazing opportunity there. So, with this opportunity to start an HJMT COMMUNICATIONS, LLC office in Rochester, we’re all excited.

Lisa, we’re going to miss your physical presence every day but we’ll still catch you on Instant Messenger!
