Team Effort! By Guest Blogger, Lori Alexy

Kristie Galvani, Lisa Gordon (who was in town for a few days working from the Long Island office) and I left the office the other day to go home.  As we were leaving the office, the fire alarm went off…again.

(The fire alarms in our building are very sensitive and go off all the time.)

We looked at each in disbelief because Kristie had her baby’s carriage with her and since the alarm was going off, we could not use the elevators.  How was she getting this baby carriage down to the first floor (HJMT is on the third floor).

So the three of us ran to the stairs.  We put our computers and bags into the stroller. I stepped in front of it and Kristie was behind. Lisa watched to make sure no one was in the way.

As we made our way down the stairs two guys from the second floor started walking behind us.  Lisa overheard them say, “Is there a baby in there?”

Trying to make light of the situation and make Kristie and me laugh, she says loudly, “oh go slow girls, careful with the baby.”

Kristie and I were concentrating so hard not to fall down the stairs we weren’t even paying attention.

When we made it to the third floor, the guys came around us, looked at the carriage, saw there was no baby, just our computers and stared.  Then started to laugh.  Kristie and I were confused so Lisa filled us in. After that, all of us were laughing.

Walking to our cars we starting thinking, did these guys really think we would do that to a baby?  Who would ever do that?

Guess people are a little nuts and you never know…

PS – when we got to the first floor, the alarm went off AGAIN!


Lori Alexy is the Vice President of Client Services at HJMT.  You can reach her by calling 516-997-1950 or email her at [email protected].