Trying to Find FiberFill…

Yesterday, I got a call from my son, “Mom, please go to Michael’s and pick up FiberFill,” he said.

“What’s FiberFill?” I asked.

“Not really sure,” he said. “But I need it for Home Ec tomorrow.  So please could you buy it?”

After work, I went over to Michael’s in Oceanside.  Surprisingly, I got a spot right in front of the store and walked in.  I saw a sales person right away. “Do you know where I could find FiberFill?” I asked.

“Aisle 6,” she said and off she went. She walked away from me so fast that I barely got to see her!

Down aisle 6 I walked and did not find any FiberFill.  The aisle was primarily a paint aisle.  I asked another salesperson.

“What’s FiberFill?” he said.

“That’s why I came here,” I said. “I’m not sure.  I have a feeling it’s a stuffing for stuffed animals but not really sure.”

He told me to follow him down the hall and showed me the area where he thought it may be.  When we got there, there were four mothers grabbing FiberFill from the shelves. There were only two bags left.  One mother picked up the bag and put it back on the shelf.  I immediately grabbed it and walked away…

If I couldn’t get the FiberFill here, where would I find it?