A Mechanical Bull?

Could you imagine what it would be like to have a mechanical bull at your next corporate event?

My staff and I went to Johnny Utah’s in NYC.  Johnny Utah’s is a burger place with a mechanical bull.  We sat around, ate some chips and dip and yummy burgers.  I dared my staff to ride the mechanical bull.  I said whoever rides it will get $100 bonus.  Only one person took me up on the offer and she did a pretty good job staying on!

So when my friend, Marty Greenstein, told me that he is now renting mechanical bulls for corporate parties, I told him I would write a blog post about it.  I just think that would be the coolest party ever.

Imagine walking into a catering hall that is totally transformed to a western style with a big mechanical bull in the center of the room?

That would impress me and would also make me remember the party!

Marty told me that he creates the whole  Western theme.  Here’s some examples of what he create….

•    The Western Corral
•    A Western Saloon Façade
•    A small western town with 4 stores to go with the saloon
•    A wells Fargo Stage coach façade
•    A Conestoga wagon
•    Cactus
•    And lots more.

Pretty cool stuff… huh?  Here’s Marty’s information in case you decide to rent the bull – 631-467-6628.