Am I Still A Kid?

I feel like a kid but do I look like a kid?

When I go shopping with my daughter, 9 times out of 10, someone will say to us, “are you sisters?” That always puts a smile on my face because sometimes, I feel a little embarrassed to say her age.  If I say her age, that makes me all that much older!

My son came home from school and told me that his new friend who just moved into the neighborhood asked him about his sister.

“My sister goes to college,” he said.

“Not that sister, the one who drives you to school every day…”

My son came home that evening to tell me the story.  I smiled.  He said, he knew it would make me feel good.

When I went to a recent meeting, an old business associate came up to me and said, “how come everyone else looks older and you look younger?”

I guess I look younger because I am still a kid…


  1. Vivian Leber

    You look young in part because you don't have fussy hair or makeup. Feeling young doesn't hurt either. I got the “are you sisters?” question recently from a store clerk when with my oldest daughter; I was floored. Thought he was toying with us. Now, not sure.

    1. hiltop25

      It's funny when that happens. I'm sure he wasn't toying with you! Thanks so much for your comments!

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