Another Broken Toe????

If you have boys, you know that they tend to leave a trail of clothes and shoes everywhere! Every time my little guy takes a shower, there’s a line of clothes — socks, pants, t-shirts, etc. — from his room into the bathroom.

The other night, I fell asleep kind of early because I had been in the city almost every day this week and had to get there by 9 am. This meant that I had to leave the house at 6 am. In the middle of the night, I woke up and walked over to the bathroom. As I was walking in the dark, I tripped over a baseball cleat and fell against the wall. Stars were all around as I held in my scream not to wake anyone up. I broke my little toe. Ouch, it hurt!!!!! Two days later, it’s still black and blue and swollen.

Ever happen to you? Share your experiences. I would love to hear them!