Are We Just Marionettes?


Are We Just Marionettes?

The other night, I woke up from a bad dream. I dreamt that I was a marionette puppet.  I didn’t realize I was until later on in the dream. I went about my business thinking that I had complete control over my thoughts and actions, until one day when I was walking along, I realized there was a strong pull sending me in the opposite direction. I looked up and noticed the strings. I was being pulled toward something else and I couldn’t stop the current. It was way too strong to resist.

When I awoke from the dream, I started to think about the fundamental difference between whether we are creatures of our own free will or if we have some predestined plan.

If we have our own free will, then we get to choose the direction that we go in. We get to choose the school, the career, the place that we live. We get to choose whether we will be successful or a failure.

If we don’t have the choice, then it was already set and established for us. Our path was planned out a long time ago, perhaps from a higher being. We think we have the choices we have and yet, we really don’t, similar to my dream.

What are your thoughts about this? Are we just marionettes with invisible strings all around us?