Back to School Again…

I can’t believe the summer is over.  It seemed so short.  September always marks a new year for me because it’s when the kids go back to school and the hectic schedules begin.

It doesn’t matter if your child goes to elementary, middle or high school. It’s all the same preparation — school supplies, new clothes, new backpack and new shoes! And, there are so many forms! Sometimes I feel like they are never ending — permission slips, physicals, PTA, etc.

If you have a college aged kid like me, it’s even tougher.  You spend the whole summer with your son or daughter just to turn around and have to bring them back to school for another year.  You pack up your car until it stuffed and you’re on your way.  Or, if you’re like me, you’ll “schlep” three huge duffle bags weighing more than 50 pounds each on a plane to your child’s school and get the rest from the storage company that you hired over the summer.

Today was unpacking day.  After my daughter and I rented a car and loaded it up with our BIG luggage, we drove to the school.  Unpacking wasn’t hard.  It actually went by pretty quickly.  The hard part came when a truck stopped in front of the dorms and emptied seven huge boxes on the ground that had to go up to her dorm room.  It took us nine hours to get her set up and believe it or not, we still need a few things!

I think the worst part was walking to the bookstore which was a few blocks away down a long hill.  Buying the books and other things that she needed for school and bringing them back up the hill to the dorm.  I realized at that point that I better continue working out because I was totally out of breath!

And as soon as I finish with her, it’s back to my hometown to get my son ready for his first day!


  1. Agenn

    I can relate! You can also rent books on, much cheaper, plus they plant a trees when customers rent books.

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