Bloomberg Makes a Faux Pas…

I don’t know if you heard or read about this, but when Mayor Bloomberg was on his weekly show this past week, he made a comment that turned heads around, including mine! He said that “the last time I checked, pharmaceutical companies don’t make a lot of money, their executives don’t make a lot of money.”

Well, Mr. Bloomberg, I think to the common person, anyone who earns more than a million dollars earns an amazing salary! But the CEO’s of pharmaceutical companies are not earning a million a year. Miles White of Abbott Laboratories earns $33.3 million a year. Poor Jeffrey Kindler earns a mere $9.5 million. Mr. Bloomberg, you don’t think that’s a lot of money because you are the richest man in NY. The newspapers report that your fortune is in excess of $16 billion dollars.

I guess it’s all in where you are at. If you earn $50 million a year, then someone earning $20 million doesn’t earn that much…. Or on the flip side, if you earn $30,000 a year, someone who earns $15,000 doesn’t earn that much. It’s all in the numbers…

The funny thing about the story is that when one of Mayor Bloomberg’s aids came in to tell him that he was wrong, Mayor Bloomberg said, “some of them are making a decent amount, more than a decent amount of money….”

Your thoughts?