Custom Insoles Review by UpStep

Custom Insoles by UpStep

If you want to try custom inserts because you have an issue with your feet, I would strongly suggest checking out UpstepCustom Insoles Review by UpStep

I started wearing orthotics in my running shoes about a year ago. I went to Berkeley, CA to visit my son and frequented a Road Runner Sport Store there. I ran on a treadmill, was placed on a custom molding machine and within minutes, I had custom insoles! I love them and have been wearing them ever since. As a matter of fact, I even went back there six months later to buy two more pairs!

So, when UpStep, an Israeli company, approached me to review their new product, I was intrigued. Could you imagine getting a pair of custom insoles without having to fly 3000 miles from the house to get them?

The company was incredible. They sent me a Fed Ex box, with a questionnaire and a place for me put my foot in a foam area.  It felt comfortable. I stood there for a couple of moments until my foot made an imprint in the foam.

After taking my imprint, I folded up the box and sent it back to Israel. I was provided with a return label for Fed Ex and they picked up the box at my office the next day. It was incredibly convenient.

Along the way, I kept getting emails from the podiatrist and from the staff at Upstep. They were incredibly professional and the customer service was next to none. I was impressed. The podiatrist told me that he was a little more aggressive with my insoles and that they would take a little getting used to. I was used to that.

Now, I need to say that I had originally ordered these for my sneakers, however, they can be used in any pair of shoes. Here were the instructions they provided to me:

After sending them back, I knew every step of the way where they were in the process and when they were being shipped out. I kept getting notifications via email. A couple of weeks after I sent UpStep the foam, I got a package in the mail. My inserts had arrived. What I noticed was they had small little holes to enable air to flow through the inserts. They were firm yet slightly bendable. And, the quality was incredible. Again, I was impressed.

I tried them out in my sneakers. The podiatrist was right, they did seem awkward and I was uncertain if I would get used to them. I continued to wear them for 15 minutes a day for two weeks and found them to be incredibly comfortable once I broke them in. If you want to try custom inserts because you have an issue with your feet, I would strongly suggest checking out Upstep. They were professional, had great customer service and their product was superior than many of the store bought brands I had tried. I even got this with the package: