Flyers Flyers Everywhere!

Hilary, I see you everywhere — on my computer, across the hall, and now I see you in the bathroom! What’s going on????” said Jeff Gold, Managing Partner of Gold, Stewart, Kravatz, Benes and Stone, LLP, “I can’t believe you had one of your staffers hang a flyer to order your new book above the urinal!”

“OMG, are you serious?” I asked. He started to laugh. “Don’t worry I’m just teasing you. I just can’t believe that one of your book flyers made the bathroom.”

I called out to my staff, “guys, did you hang flyers in the stalls and by the urinals?” Everyone started to laugh. “You know Hilary you get a captured audience in the bathroom,” said Kristie Galvani, Vice-President.

I guess the more creative we get with trying to sell “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Social Media but were afraid to ask…” the more books we sell? What do you think?