Hilary’s Top 12 Things to See in A Day in Berlin…

1. Reichstag — This is the German Parliament. The building has been standing since the 1800’s. However, it’s been bombed several times and was totally revamped by Norman Foster in 1999. This is an architectural wonder and worth exploring both the dome and the actual parliament. Each room is more amazing than the next!

2. Jewish Museum – What I loved about this museum is that it showed individuals affected by the Holocaust. Many of these Jewish Museums throughout the world show “Jews” as a group being affected. This museum takes it a step further and tells you stories of individuals whose lives changed forever.

3. Brandenberg Gate — This was one of the original gates where President Ronald Regan made his famous speech to President Gorbichov to tear down this wall!

4. Memorial of Murdered Jews of Europe – a series of rectangles in a city park. They start out low where one can jump from one to the other. They gradually gain height to the point where when you are walking through it, you can’t see anything but the light from the outside world.

5. Patio – A lovely restaurant on a boat in the river. We tasted many different dishes and each was better than the next! A great restaurant for any palette.

6. Berlin City Tour – Hop on Hop Off – You will see the infamous television tower, Neptune’s fountain and Unter den Linden.

7. Made in Berlin – a Vintage clothing store where you can get silks, leather, accessories, shoes and more.

8. Berlin Wall – Now it’s called the East Side Gallery. It’s the actual Berlin Wall done up in Urban art. It’s very impressive.

9. Einstein Kaffe – This is a place where celebrities hang out and yet, the food is simply superb. It’s great for breakfast but the specialty here is apple strudel.

10. Tukadu – This was my favorite store in Berlin. You could make your own jewelry or have the owner make something up for you.

11. Neue Synagogue – This is the only standing synagogue in Berlin. All of the others were burnt to the ground during the Nazi regime. It was bombed and fired upon but the structure was kept in tact. In the late 1990’s, the synagogue was restored. It includes artifacts from the temple along with photos of the Rabbis that taught there. One of the Rabbis was a woman in 1933. In this reformed synagogue, she was taken away.

12. Winged Victory – A beautiful winged sculpture that commemorates the victory of the 1864 Danish Prussian War.

BTW, we stayed at the Raddison Blu, which was an outstanding hotel with a fish tank that ran up the middle of it. (There are elevator tours through the fish tank.) In addition, I am happy to announce that they have FREE wifi!