How Do The Umbrella Vendors Know?

When I arrived at the HJMT NYC office today, I parked the car in the local garage and asked the attendant if he thought it would rain.

“Not until later,” he said. “You don’t need an umbrella.”

As I was walking to my office, I saw the typical vendors on the street — the fresh fruit vendor on 54th Street, the bag vendor on 56th Street and the hot dog man on 58th Street.

I went up the elevator in my building, walked down the long hall and entered my office. At noon, I left my office, walked down the long hall, went down the elevator and walked outside. It was dark, but it wasn’t raining.

At least it’s not raining, I thought.

I passed a few of the vendors that I had seen in the morning on the way to my appointment. When lunch was finished and I walked back to my office, it started to drizzle. I looked around and to my surprise, all the vendors that were there in the morning were replaced with umbrella vendors.

How do the umbrella vendors know that it is going to rain? Do they sit patiently in their apartments listening to the news, hoping and praying for rain? What do you think?