How To Write A Guest Blog Entry By Lisa Gordon, VP of HJMT Public Relations

guest blog entry

Blogs are just as influential as traditional media outlets. Why? Read my article, “Six Reasons To Have Blogs On Your Media List.”

However, unlike traditional media contacts, many times bloggers have “day” jobs. Keeping a blog up-to-date and current can be difficult especially when bloggers only have the hours before or after work to develop content. This means that their time is often even more limited, making it especially hard for them to schedule an interview or cover something you’re trying to promote. This is where the guest blog entry comes into play. More often than not, bloggers will be very open to accepting guest blog entries to be published on their blog under your byline.

A guest blog entry gives them useful and interesting content to share with their subscribers/readers without having to write a single word themselves. At the same time, it allows you the opportunity to position yourself as the expert in your desired industry and reach out to an already established readership.

So, where do you start? Writing a guest blog entry is very much the same process as writing a bylined article.

  1. Think of a specific topic that would be of interest to the blogger and their audience. Make sure the topic isn’t something that has previously been blogged about.
  2. Pitch the blogger via email, social networking site or telephone. Explain your topic and ask them if they would be interested in a guest blog entry.
  3. Once the blogger has expressed interest, ask them for a deadline, any guidelines like exclusivity or word count, and then make sure you get them the entry on time and according to their preferences.
  4. Don’t forget to provide them with a headshot or image that relates well to the blog post. Again, try to make this as easy for them as possible. Also don’t forget to include your byline – usually two to three sentences in length with your contact information.
  5. The blogger will then let you know when your entry will go live. Be sure to spread and promote your entry the day it does. The blogger will be happy you’re spreading the word and directing traffic to their site and will be more likely to have you back again for another guest blog entry.

Guest blogging is a great opportunity to spread your knowledge, form lasting relationships with bloggers and get exposure and visibility through your own written word.


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