My Baby is Going to College…

I can’t believe that my baby is going off to college. My mother used to tell me that the years go way to fast and enjoy every moment while it lasts, but I didn’t believe her. When my kids were little, it seemed like they would be little forever and time went by at a snail’s pace.  Now, I look back and realize that my mother was right. I barely remember when my kids were younger and now, my son is going off to Berkeley in California and I am so sad to see him off.

It’s not that I don’t want him to go, although I do wish he chose a school a little closer to home.  I’m happy and excited for him as well. I know that he’s got a bright future ahead of him and will do great there. It’s just that for me, I don’t like change. I love him being around.

Things that made me angry like him spending hours in the shower, waking up at 4 in the afternoon or even keeping his room a disaster, don’t bother me anymore.










When my daughter was born, someone bought me the book, Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. Although I love and adore my daughter and am so proud of the woman she has become, the book was more relevant to my son. (The protagonist in the book is a male.)

IMG_0384I used to read it to my son all the time when he was growing up. As I read it to him, I would cry.  “Don’t cry mommy, I’ll love you forever too,” he would say. That would make me ball!

And now, my little boy has grown to be an amazing 18 year old man, ready to face life on his own and ready to set his own journey. I’m proud of all of his accomplishments thus far.  He started clubs at his High School, he was president of many of them, he competed against various schools in the area with Model Congress, he volunteered at the local soup kitchen and got amazing grades in school.  Who wouldn’t be proud?

This was at the NYC Half when my son ran me in!
This was at the NYC Half when my son ran me in!

It’s just for me thinking about him going off, makes me realize that I’ll be an empty nester soon and that’s a scary thought. It’s scary to think that I won’t have to make lunch any longer. I won’t have to get up in the middle of the night to see if he’s home yet. And, I won’t have to drag him out of bed in the morning.

But, on the flip side, I know he will be successful at Berkeley and I know we will see great things from him…  I will miss him a great deal but knowing the man he has become, I will also be proud of him every single day!
