On Social Distancing

Keep 6 ft apart

I love to hug. I love to give out high fives when one of my runners does an amazing job, and I love to shake hands with people to let them know that I’m a strong businesswoman. Social distancing is hard for me, as I know it is for you too!

But it is a necessity now with the widespread of COVID-19.

The thing that frustrates me is that some people just aren’t taking this seriously. My husband was telling me when he came home from the supermarket, he saw neighbors hanging out with other neighbors on their front lawn partying, while the kids played with each other. Someone was saying on Next Door that there were at least 30 students playing basketball together. I just don’t understand. What are people thinking? Do they believe this is a hoax?

Even the other day when I was running alone, I still saw people running in groups.

I don’t want to preach, but I feel strongly that we need to start caring about our fellow neighbors and stop doing this. I’m not one to rant about social distancing but when I see the numbers of deaths in this country, I’m alarmed.

To me, running in a group, hanging out with friends, and playing basketball with 30 teens, at this point is being selfish.

Facetime with the family helps eliminate the feeling of isolation.

It’s not a party time

This isn’t time to party. It’s time to hunker down and stay away from each other. This virus is deadly to some. The Governor of NY said that 53% of the cases are in younger people. He also said that although they may not be the ones who die from this virus, they will give it to others who may be at risk.

I know it’s hard for people living alone and people who have small children. I totally get it. But, there are so many online events happening that we can attend either alone or with our families.

I’m particularly distraught to learn that my father’s assisted living facility in Florida locked all the residents into their apartments for fear of this virus spreading and killing them. I feel bad but I know it will keep these folks alive. Sometimes, we have to make sacrifices.

People are helping each other

We need to stay at least 6 feet apart. Hopefully, this won’t last that long!

There is good coming out of all this. Musicians are giving free concerts. Artists are giving free courses online and there is a host of networking events and webinars on Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Facetime.

I’m starting a networking event every Thursday morning via zoom at a cost of $20. The cost includes a free copy of my book, Branding in a Digital World. The event will run for at least 10 weeks or more!

We are not isolated

We are not isolated. There are people who care. I care. I want us all to stay safe from this virus. Please conduct social distancing because, hopefully, it will flatten the curve.

Thanks for listening! Comment below and let me know how you are doing.