On the Wednesday Before Thanksgiving!

18.jpgUsually the three days prior to Thanksgiving are generally quiet days. But the last three days were very busy. Besides having a meeting with a former client and old friend at Bruce’s in Great Neck this morning and then bumping into another business friend there, I hurried back to the office to meet a prospect and to show him some of our work. The rest of the day was filled with phone calls and answering emails, text messages and Facebook/Twitter messages.

At around 5:45 pm, I get a call from my son, “Mommy, can you take me to the Islander’s game tonight? Aunt Lori has tickets that she doesn’t want to use and I really want to go.”

How could I say “no?”

So, my sister, Lori’s daughter, Jessica dropped off the tickets at around 6:15 pm and I speed home as fast as I could within the speed limits. When I got to the house, I put on a pair of jeans, my new “Ugg” boots, got my son ready and we were off. We were back in the car to the Nassau Colliseum.

My son turned to me and said, “thank you mom for taking me to the game!” I grinned and thought it was all worth it!

We got to the game about 10 minutes late. We parked the car far from the door and walked quickly inside the coliseum. (It was freezing outside!) We were both hungry so we stopped at the Nathan’s stand, bought a few hot dogs and while we were standing there, noticed that there were a bunch of people dressed in outrageous costumes. One guy was a big banana, another guy was clown and yet another guy was dressed as Sparkey, the Islander’s mascot.

Being my first time at the game, I shook my head, looked at my son and walked to our seats. After the second third, Sparkey was back by our seats. He was dancing in the isle with one of the ice breakers. I noticed a camera and interestingly the man behind us won a dinner for two at the Fox Hollow in Woodbury.

And what about the game? The Islander’s were winning up until the last third when they lost 5 to 3!19.jpg