The Belmont…

Did you watch the big horse race at Belmont?

I played golf during the race so I didn’t see it. But before playing my husband and son had to make a pit stop at Off Track Betting (OTB).

As I was sitting in the car, I watched as people entered the building. It seemed like there were mostly men with their sons. I saw older fathers in their 60’s with older sons in their 30’s, young fathers in their 30’s with toddler sons and I even saw a 75 year old woman dragging her grandson inside to place the big bet. Once the car was parked, my husband and son ran inside. They barely shut the doors, they were so excited to place a bet.

When they came back into the car, they were holding several tickets. “We bought this one to win and this one to win, place or show,” my son told me.

After golf, we loaded up the car with the equipment and turned on the radio. “Maybe we won,” my husband said anxiously awaiting to hear the winner on 1010 wins radio.

The announcer states the winners…. “Nope, maybe next year,” my husband said.