The Bus Monitor Reminds Us That We Need to Make a Change…

After the piece I wrote last week about the Bus Monitor in Greece, NY I got a bunch of side comments on the bigger issue here. That’s why I decided to write a follow up story.

Bullying has always been around.  I don’t know about you, but I was also teased on the school bus.  There was always something that someone said about me that hurt my feelings. That was more than 30 years ago and, I know times have not changed.

I asked my friend who is a local teacher about what she thought of the situation in Greece.  She told me she was happy that the woman was able to collect a nice sum of money to retire, but she also said that bullying happens all the time.  She explained that many principals or administrators don’t listen when complaints come in.  “I was thrown down a flight of stairs and punched by a little boy and no one wanted to do anything about it.”

These situations raise a lot of issues on being bullied and what we as a society should or should not do.

There’s a group that I’ve been involved with for the last 10+ years.  The Girl Scouts of Nassau County is a non-profit organization that has been dealing with bullying for nearly a decade. I was a Girl Scout and now I am an adult Girl Scout.  I also help them with their PR.  That being said, I can only commend them for doing the right thing by girls.

They have various programs that help girls deal with their self-esteem and self-confidence.  They also have programs on bullying and cyber bullying.  They help children ward off bullies and accept one another for who they are.

Doesn’t it make more sense to raise money for groups like the Girl Scouts of Nassau County or other groups that take a stand against bullying to help spread their word?

The bus monitor, my friend and even my situation are unacceptable.  I really feel strongly that by utilizing these types of programs in conjunction with parents educating their children that people are different and accepting that, that we can change our world to a much better place.



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