The Colors On Facebook…

Notice anything peculiar about Facebook?

If you have been looking at your homepage, you probably have noticed that many of your women friends have been stating colors on their Facebook status.

Why?  They are doing this to spread breast cancer awareness.

Last night I received my first note from my friend Christine McInerney that said:

Just write the color of your bra in your status. Just the color, nothing else. And send this on to ONLY girls no men …. It will be neat to see if this will spread the wings of cancer awareness. It will be fun to see how long it takes before the men will wonder why all the girls have a color in their status…

Then I got a message from my friend Lindsey Jaffee who wrote the same thing in a message on FB.

So I posted black. I got the following comments on my Facebook home page:

Ruben Quintero

OK ladies, what the heck is going on????

11 hours ago ·


Deepak Thadani

Lol it’s for breast cancer awareness. Girls are posting the color of their bra’s.

9 hours ago ·


Hilary Topper

LOL…. Let’s see how viral it goes… (Let me know how many women post a color on your home page…)

9 hours ago ·


Ruben Quintero

What do we do for prostate cancer awareness? 😉

8 hours ago ·


Victoria Mantia

ahhh i’m finally glad to know what that’s about. been seeing everyone post colors in their status, but i had no idea what they were talking about!

7 hours ago ·

I even had someone come into my office this morning asking for me.  When one of my staff members told him I was out for the day at meetings, he told her to tell me that he wanted to see my  “black….” Okay….

In any event, it was interesting to see if it raised awareness and obviously it did…

My sister-in-law, Andrea Parmet Mass took the viral message one step further by adding an educational component to it.  She wrote on her status update:

Did you know: breastfeeding reduces a mother’s chances of getting breast cancer; the longer she nurses, the lower her risk. It also helps her daughter reducer HER risk of getting breast cancer. Please help spread the news and save lives by posting this today instead of the color of your bra!