The Gym Week 2…

Today is day 2 of week 2 at the New York Sports Club. I decided to go to a Zumba Dance class with my good friend Madeline. I learned the night before that she had been a member there for a while and needed motivation to attend the classes. I was thrilled because I certainly needed the motivation too!

We got to the gym with a few minutes to spare. We picked our spot at the back of the class and I immediately apologized to the people around me. “I’m really not that coordinated and I have trouble following the instructor so please don’t watch me unless you want to be totally thrown off!” I said.

At 9:00 am, the class started. The music was great, Latin music with some world music combined. The instructor was incredible. She moved her body in ways that I tried to figure out and I just moved my body in ways I could. I kept thinking that the most important thing – just get moving!

A half hour into it, I looked at Madeline. She said, “we still have another half hour….” I rolled my eyes and continued.

As we were strutting along to the music, I noticed a few of my neighbors in the class. FLASHBACK – I remember working out with them after my son was born. There were a bunch of us and two days a week, we went to my neighbor’s house with the kids and worked out. The kids played together and we worked out and chatted.

I looked at my watch, okay another 15 minutes to go… You can do this….

By the end, I was wiped, but it was a great class and I’m looking forward to doing it again next time….