Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice is Just Unfair…

PASADENA, CA - JANUARY 17: Executive producer...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Look, Donald Trump can do whatever he wants because he’s Donald Trump. But, the last episode of the new Celebrity Apprentice, which is on Television Sunday nights on NBC, was unfair!

During last week’s episode, the two teams had to create a viral video. I was actually surprised that such creative people couldn’t think of something that would entice viewers to pass a video along to their friends. In any event, neither team won because the executives from “ALL” didn’t like the projects. Therefore, he fired two people — one from each team.

Tionne Watkins, R&B artist, was fired automatically because she volunteered to come into the board room. She was only supporting her project manager and her team. So, out she went…

Khloe Kardashian, reality star, was also fired. Why? Because at some point she was arrested for DWI and was currently attending rehab classes. So out she went…

Tionne was just being supportive…. and Khloe was already being punished for what she did. She admitted she made a mistake but Trump decided to make an example out of her. I didn’t like it and I didn’t think it was right!

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