What’s This with “Snuggie?”

snuggie-couple-standing.jpgFor the past few weeks now, I’ve noticed a new commercial on TV for Snuggie, a blanket that looks like a robe with sleeves.

“You want to keep warm when you feel chilled but you don’t want to raise your heating bill. Blankets are okay but when you go to reach for something they slip and slide. Now you can stay warm with Snuggie! Want to reach for a book, the remote, get Snuggie and stay warm all over!”

I saw this commercial once and I thought, this is the most ridiculous product I have ever seen. But apparently, the product has a huge marketing budget, because I’ve seen the commercial numerous times (and I’m not a big TV watcher) and somehow, someway, the Snuggie people got my email address and have been spamming me advertisements via email! To date, I have gotten dozens of emails from “[email protected].” The subject line is “stay warm from head to toe!”

Does it look like your head stays warm from this photo? Or can you purchase matching hat and slipper set too?

How did they get my email address and why in the world would they think I would buy this product?

I am not interested in the product. I wasn’t interested in it when I first saw it and I am certainly not interested in it now! To me it’s the most ridiculous thing because if you’re cold, why not wear a robe? Why go out and spend the money on a blanket that has sleeves — even if it’s $19.95 plus $7.95 for shipping and you get a second one free?

I don’t even like the colors it comes in — burgundy, blue and sage. (No patterns, not me!) And if you buy it today, you get a free book lamp. What a bargain! But I’m still not going to buy this ridiculous product if it were $1.50 or 19.95!