What’s Up With These Airlines?

The other day, I booked a business trip to Washington, DC on United Airlines. After I booked it, I realized I had a conflict. So, I called a representative at United and asked if I could reschedule my flight. He told me that if I cancel the flight, there would be no penalty because it was within 24 hours but if I plan to rebook the flight, I would have to pay a $150 penalty.

“What?” I asked. “Am I hearing right? So if I cancel and reschedule I will be charged $150 more even if it’s a week later?”

“Yes,” he said.

So I canceled the flight and now I will rebook on USAir or Delta or any other airline other than United Airlines, when I rebook my flight.

The airlines are all charging so much more for so much less. I remember years ago, we used to get a full meal on the flight.  It was nothing to brag about but today if we get anything it’s usually a small bag of nuts.  JetBlue offers a little more.  They give out chips and a soft drink and of course the “free” satellite TV.  If you want a pillow and blanket, the charge is only $7.  (Wasn’t it once free?)

So what’s up with these airlines? Do you have any experiences you want to share?


  1. Douglas

    One of the reasons I fly as little as possible – I would rather explore the northeast on 3-day weekends than fly somewhere and gbecome aggravated.

  2. Mrlongisland

    I once worked for a company that supplied reading materials to the airlines. None of the airlines ever seemed to have a clue as to how they were supposed to do things. It really made me wonder how they managed to keep the aircraft airborne. P.S. Earlier this year I decided to come home a few hours earlier than expected from a business trip. When I called to change my flight, the nice person on the other end told me I could change my flight then but it would cost an additional $250. If I waited until the day of the flight, however – even if it was one minute after midnight – it would not cost me anything. On what planet that makes sense is beyond me. I was just grateful she told me about it.

    1. hiltop25

      I just don't understand their rationale for this craziness! I know they are trying to make money but I think the top people need to rethink and reinvent the business model…

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