Where Do You Sit?


When I had my office in Long Beach, I was lucky. I had an amazing view of the city. In the distance, I was able to see the beach. And, I had my own rest room in my office. At the time, I didn’t realize that this was rare. But now, I know, having your own bathroom is a luxury.

We have two offices, with another opening next week. At these offices, the bathroom is down the hall, shared and cleaned by the building’s maintenance workers.

Today, I was in the city office and I was thinking about which stall I generally use when I go to the rest room. No matter what office, I tend to go into the first stall. I don’t know why I do it. I just do. Have you ever thought about where you sit?

I decided to survey my staff.

“I always use the first stall because I think it’s the cleanest,” Allie said.

“I use the third one every time, no matter where I am,” Lisa said.

I’ve even questioned some of the Long Island staff members and they each tell me something different — the handicapped rest room, the fourth stall, but the majority seem to use the first because it’s closest to the door.

I was thinking about this in relation to where people sit when they are at staff meetings, board meetings or even sitting around the table with the family. Have you noticed that most people have their seats?

Like a cat rubbing against someone to mark its territory, no matter where you are sitting — the toilet, the family dinning room table, at a board meeting or at a staff meeting, people mark their chairs.
