You Won’t Believe What We Found…


You Won’t Believe What We Found…

We’re moving. I don’t know where we’re going yet, but we’re in contract with our house. Now, I know a deal isn’t a deal until we close, but in the meantime, in preparation for the move, we are going through our entire house discarding stuff that’s been sitting around for years — not just one year, nearly 30 years!

My husband wanted to work from the attack down. On day 2 of cleaning out the attack, he threw down a ton of papers from 1990. “Do we need to save this?” he asked me.

“We only need to save our documents for the past seven years,” I told him.

Before I knew it, we had 190 pounds of paper that needed to be shredded. The rest was discarded in the garbage can. We separated everything. I hauled the 10, 15, 25 pound bags and boxes into his car. After sitting a few minutes, we decided to drive over to Staples. We saw online that they had a shredder.

When we got there, we weighed the trash and started to dump it all in a large garbage can with a small slot. It took a while to get it all in there but as we were pushing it down the slot, we came across our first income tax return together. Now how cool is that?

We also found our prom photo, our old checks from the early 90’s and I even found an old HJMT invoice!

It’s amazing that we save all this stuff and usually wait until there’s a major change before discarding it.

What have you found lately?