Don’t Take Things for Granted? by Guest Blogger, Lori Alexy

Over a year ago, Barbara Behrens of The Learning Net reached out to my boss, Hilary Topper. Barbara wanted to know if anyone from HJMT would be interested in getting involved with Literacy Nassau. Hilary looked at me and said, “why don’t you get involved? It’s important to get involved in our community.”

I had the information on my to do list for months to reach out to Literacy Nassau. One morning at a networking event, I looked over and saw someone’s nametag said Literacy Nassau. I knew then that it was a sign to get involved. I walked over to Tina Sanacore, Executive Director of Literacy Nassau and introduced myself.
After that, Tina and I met occasionally to network and share ideas. I quickly learned that Literacy Nassau provides services each year for hundreds of adults in Nassau County who are functionally illiterate, assisting them, their families – and hopefully future generations – toward self-sufficiency and personal success. We have formed a really great relationship and I will be joining the Board of Directors come July 1st.

I attended Literacy Nassau’s signature Recognition Night a few weeks ago. Recognition Night highlights the achievements of the students (those learning to read) and honors the tutors (those teaching the students to read). Listening to their struggles of learning how to read and write and what Literacy Nassau has done for them was amazing. It brought a tear to my eye and really made me think about what we take granted.

Can you imagine going to the grocery store and not being able to read? Or, can you imagine walking around a town and not knowing what the street sign says? How would you know where to go?

Reading is something I think many of us take for granted.

That night made me realize all of the little things in life that I take for granted. I need to remind myself that every once in awhile, I need to take a step back in life and be thankful for all that I have.

If you know of an adult who is struggling with reading or writing English, Literacy Nassau can help them. Call 516-867-3580 or visit


Lori Alexy is a Vice President of Client Services at HJMT COMMUNICATIONS, LLC, the full-service public relations, social media, event planning and graphic design firm located in Westbury, Manhattan and Rochester.