Behind the Scene of #Glasslandia and Google Glass

Have you heard of my reality show that we are in the process of finishing? If you haven’t, it will be the first Google Glass Reality TV Show. You will have the opportunity to get a glimpse into my life, my business and my family.

One of the coolest parts about the show is being able to see all the scenes and activities from my perspective using Glass. This is a new point of view and I love being at the forefront of new technology and using it all day.

If you want more information, be sure to check out our radio show that we recorded last week. You will be able to hear insight into the show from myself and the cast!


DISCLOSURE: I have a material connection because I received an all expense paid trip to Fort Meyers and Sanibel for consideration in preparing to write this content.  Individual links could be associated with affiliate marketing sites and through the use of affiliate links contained herein, I may collect fees from purchases made.
Opulus NY is my glass sponsor. They are a cool company that designs fashion mobile accessories to compliment your lifestyle. They are creating a host of new upscale products for your cell phone. To get the latest information follow them on Facebook at Opulus New York.
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  1. Cloris Kylie

    So looking forward to this show, Hilary! Thank you.

    1. Hilary JM Topper, MPA

      thanks so much Cloris! Please subscribe to so that you won’t miss an episode… Appreciate your support.

      1. Cloris Kylie

        I will definitely subscribe! I’m sure it’ll be awesome!

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