5 Secret Gmail Tips to be More Productive

Surprisingly, trying to answer your work emails as they come in can be about as productive as watching cat videos. Fortunately, if you use Gmail or Google Apps for work, you’re in luck. Grovo, an online education platform for leading sites, apps and Internet tools has the top 5 things...

8 Reasons Why Twitter is No Facebook (Yet)

I have always wondered if Twitter will ever surpass Facebook. Will it keep growing since going public on its IPO date of November 7th? Check out these stats that were gathered shared to us by Statista: You will find more statistics at Statista   --------- DISCLOSURE:  I have not received any...

Behind the Scene of #Glasslandia and Google Glass

Have you heard of my reality show that we are in the process of finishing? If you haven't, it will be the first Google Glass Reality TV Show. You will have the opportunity to get a glimpse into my life, my business and my family. One of the coolest parts...

Exciting New Gadgets We’re Still Waiting for this Year by Alex Hilsburg

What’s in new stuff that gets us all worked up? Psychology has a word for this novelty-seeking behavior – neophilia. Some researchers say it’s wired into our systems, although many contest this explanation based on genetics. Sociologists and economists also weigh in on this heavy subject matter, and the debate...