What’s This With the Banks?

pc010014.jpgI don’t know about you, but I have my personal account at Commerce Bank. I chose Commerce Bank because of its convenience. There was a Commerce in Long Beach, there was a Commerce Bank across the street from our Westbury office and there was a Commerce Bank not too far from our Manhattan office.

I went to take out money at the ATM machine the other day and guess what?

There was no Commerce Bank! All the Commerce Banks changed their name to TD. Now, the odd thing is, they never informed their customers. They just made the change! I didn’t see anything in the mail. I didn’t see any article in the newspaper. I didn’t see anything!

On the flip side, when North Fork Bank merged with Capital One Bank, everyone knew what was going to happen. I was personally notified by a bank representative. I received a letter in the mail. I knew the change was coming because everyone at the branches knew and they were very positive and upbeat about the transition. I even received a “free” gift!”
Maybe Commerce, or should I say TD, should take a good look at Capital One’s public relations efforts and do something positive for their image? Maybe they should think about sending a letter explaining why the change? Right now, I’m not feeling good about this and I’m sure there are plenty of others out there, like me, upset too!

One Comment

  1. Mike

    As a customer of Commerce, I read about the name change on Commerceonline, in my monthly statements, in a full page newspaper ad and in a brochure I was given at my local branch in NY.

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