On the Hotel Experience…

wyndham-emerald-plaza-hotel-room.jpgHave you ever checked into a hotel, received a key from the front desk, walked over to the room, and found that someone else was in your room?

That happened to me this evening! And it was embarrassing…. Maybe not so embarrassing but awkward!

I put the key in the door. Opened the door and there was a guy standing there. He looked at us (I was with Lisa) and said that he didn’t think the bed was big enough for the three of us. Lisa and I turned to each other red in the face!

I’m staying at the Brookwood Inn in Pittsford. It’s about 15 minutes from the city of Rochester. I usually stay with Lisa and her husband Gordon in their home, but Gordon was really sick and I didn’t want to impose.

So don’t you think they put me right next to the guy whose door I opened. He’s alone in the room. I’m alone in the room. And he’s screaming out weird things next door. The walls are totally paper thin.

Our dinner was very nice. We ate at the Peter Geyer Steakhouse in the hotel. It was lovely. We sat in a romantic seat by the fireplace, sipped our cosmos and talked about the day and strategized about the growth of our Rochester office. Lisa had tuna and I ate a 7 ounce filet mignon. The food was okay, nothing special but the company was really good and the cosmos were even better!