Did You Hear About Ford Fiesta?

Ford Motors recently held Tweetups in 10 of the top US markets. Why?

They were seeking the perfect blogger who would test drive their new vehicle for six months and blog about it, post video on YouTube, talk about it on podcasts and show photos of it on Flickr.

More than 4,000 people applied for the limited usage of the vehicle, but only 100 people were selected to be “agents” and test drive the new new Ford Fiesta, which is currently sold in Europe, but will make its debut in the states this summer.

The result, 11 million impressions, 5 million Flickr photos and 1 million Youtube videos. That’s a lot of social media activity for one vehicle!

In addition to that, cars are in the streets getting impressions. According to Ford spokesperson, 50,000 people living in the US, already requested a vehicle and 90% were non-Ford owners.

That’s some social media success story, wouldn’t you say?