Blogging Writing Tips By Lisa Gordon

I was lucky enough to attend BlogHer ’12 at the beginning of the month.

Here are a few writing tips I wanted to share with you! Keep these in mind when blogging.

  1. The more unique to you the better. It’s all in the details in order to find your voice. For example, making applesauce can be boring, but not if you explain the nitty gritty from your voice – funny, serious, technical, etc.
  2. Overshare. Raw materials don’t equal essays. Be sure to say why you did it if you’re going to put what you did out there. For instance your breakup with a boyfriend – to write about the experience is one thing, but to have some perspective and the reasons why this affected you is better. If you’re going to write something about yourself, you better “bring it.”
  3. Test it out on your blog. Use it as a safe space. One blog entry doesn’t define who you are. It’s ok if you have a bad writing day. Take it with a grain of salt. Develop thick skin. You are not your writing. Don’t get upset when you get negative responses – be prepared for rejection.
  4. Good writing versus good story. Sometimes a good story is all about the way you write it. It’s not so much the topic as much as how you tell it. Maybe it’s not a great story, but if you make it into something amazing as a great writer. If you have a fantastic story, you don’t necessarily have to be a great writer.
  5. Write about what you know. If you don’t know something, interview someone that does and then write about the interview.
  6. Use your real name/identity. Don’t hide behind your words.
  7. Share your personal story. Connect with others. Show them they are not alone.
  8. Haterade – Delete bad stuff on your blog. Your blog is your home. Tidy it up.
  9. Keep in mind that just because you want to share details of your life, others involved with you might not. Be aware and ask for permission.
  10. Privacy – it’s up to your discretion.
  11. If you’re not writing to your audience, you have an online diary, not a blog. Think of your audience when establishing a tone.
  12. Be sure to read your blog entries aloud to yourself. Use your ears as a guide. If it doesn’t read right when spoken, then go back and fix it. Your readers will thank you.


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