Life Is A Series of Hellos and Goodbyes…

In the song “Say Goodbye to Hollywood,” Billy Joel sings:

So many faces in and out of my life
Some will last
Some will just be now and then
Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes
I’m afraid it’s time for goodbye again

How true is this? I remember when the song first came out in the 70’s and how I felt that he was so right then. Now, I feel it’s even more true than ever before, especially with social networking!

Social networking enables us to reconnect with our childhood friends, school mates, colleagues and family members in a way that we could never do before. We can learn so much about each other that when we do connect in person, we have so much more to talk about!

This morning, I met a woman who I have known for years but never actually knew. She told me that she sponsored our HJMT Golf to Give Golf Outing, where we raised money for both Girl Scouts of Nassau County and the American Lung Association of NYS.

“I just found your business card holder with my card inside,” she said to me at the Long Beach Diner.

“That is so funny,” I said. We started to talk and we found out that we know the same people and yet our paths have never crossed. Recently, we met on Twitter and decided to have breakfast. Now, we’re going to play golf at the end of the month…

Meeting people through social networking is a lot of fun but what’s really cool is to reconnect with people who I haven’t seen in a long time.