Getting that Spring in Your Step, By: Dr. Bruce Pinker

feet and legs

As we enjoy the fall activities, it is important to be safe and avoid injury. Foot and ankle injury prevention is important to enable us to participate in many different types of sporting activities while being pain-free.

One of the most common foot and ankle injuries involves overuse of the Achilles tendon. Inflammation develops in Achilles tendinitis, resulting in soreness, pain, and swelling. Diagnostic ultrasonography can aid in the diagnosis of Achilles tendinitis. Treatment is usually conservative, consisting of physical therapy, orthopedic strappings, orthotic therapy, and off-loading devices.

Another very common foot injury is called plantar fasciitis. In this condition, pain is present on the inferior heel (bottom region), which may be associated with a heel spur. X-rays and diagnostic ultrasonography help to visualize the area of concern. Conservative therapy, as noted above, is usually effective, combined with cortisone therapy, as needed. Also available now for plantar fasciitis/heel spurs is ESWT, the Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, a non-surgical approach similar to lithotripsy used for treating kidney stones.

Stress fractures in the foot are quite common due to overuse activities. A bone scan, following an X-ray, can assist in the diagnosis of a stress fracture. This condition is quite different from a true fracture, as a stress fracture has increased pressures (or stress) on the walls of the bone. A true fracture has an actual break in the bone. Stress fractures can become true fractures if not treated promptly. Off-loading and rest are the best methods for treating stress fractures.

Often seen in the summer season are ankle sprains. Usually due to a twisting motion and instability, most ankle sprains are very painful and swollen. The ligaments of the ankle are usually injured in this case, and conservative treatment, as noted above, works best.

To prevent the above common foot and ankle injuries, it is best to stretch appropriately before exercise. Both static and dynamic stretching are important. Static stretches involve holding positions, while dynamic stretches include hopping on one foot, jumping rope, and lunging.  It is imperative to change one’s footwear after 300 – 500 miles of usage.

Taking good care of your feet can be your 1st step towards good health. But, your knees are just important and if you need a knee brace, we recommend the Waterproof Knee Brace For Surfing from Aidfull.



Dr. Bruce Pinker, DPM, AACFAS, AAPWCA is a podiatrist located in NYC and Westchester. Follow him on Twitter @Docpinker4feet