Justin E. Crawford’s Live Free or DIY Review

Justin E. Crawford’s Live Free or DIY Review

If you own a business and only have one book on your bookshelf, that book needs to be Live Free or DIY – How to get more customers, increase profits, and achieve work=life balance as a small-business owner by Justin E. Crawford.

The book is lined with great advice for every small business owner, but the theme that runs throughout is, you need to figure out how to farm out and not “do it yourself.”  According to Crawford, that seems to be the biggest mistake that entrepreneurs and business owners make when starting out.

IMG_1188Live Free or DIY introduces the concept of the Golden Formula and discusses things that small business owners should be obsessing with every day, what’s holding them back and spending time and money on the wrong things.

Crawford gives concrete examples on various business and how they fared by doing everything themselves and the cost analysis by hiring out. And, if you think you can’t afford to hire out, Crawford discusses creative ways to pay out, one of the ways being a flip the pyramid way that pays people in future royalties instead of cash.

He then takes the reader down the path to learn who he/she actually needs to hire in order to succeed. This includes but isn’t limited to: a COO, CFO, CMO, etc.

Crawford also discusses that it’s important to stay focused. He helps the reader create a business model canvas and narrow in on what the customers want. He asks the question, “what is the one thing your company can do better than any of your competitors?”

As he concludes the book, he discusses how to double your profits by making a simple tweak to your workflow and how to keep a work/life balance.

Justin Crawford is the author of this best-selling book and founder/CEO of Agents of Efficiency, a company that revolutionized the way small businesses operate. He is also the chief architect of the Efficiency Roadmap(tm), a unique step by step process for helping businesses succeed.

The book is available on Amazon.