On Wearing the Wrong Shoes

Female foot in shoe.
Female foot in shoe. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The wrong shoes can change your whole day. I experienced this last week during a visit to the Big Apple. Hilary had invited me to attend a seminar with her regarding an app that could be used for our firm. I happily accepted the invitation and we made plans to meet beforehand.

When I finally got into Manhattan, the sun was beaming across the skyscrapers. I began my trek to meet with Hilary but my shoes began cutting into my feet and created painful blisters. Every step I took felt like I was walking on the sun. When I finally met with Hilary, I felt so relieved. She noticed my limp and we decided to eat at a delicious steakhouse in the area, instead. We had great discussions and I had a wonderful time. Before we knew it though, we were missing the presentation. We decided to have dessert rather than rush (or in my case, hobble) over to that seminar.

When it was time for me to catch my bus back to Long Island, Hilary suggested I take off my shoes or take a taxi. Because I had open cuts on my feet, I figured the taxi would be a much better idea. A pedicab cyclist overheard our conversation and offered us a ride.

When a deal was made, I excitedly hopped in the pedicab and Hilary snapped a photo. As he weaved in and out of traffic, I kept admiring the scenery- people with their children, business folk walking to the subway, the sun setting in the west and the cabs that were literally a few inches away from me. If it weren’t for my shoes though, I might have missed the opportunity to take it all in and great conversation with Hilary. Although, it worked out well, next time I will definitely wear comfortable shoes!


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  1. Sharon Maxwell-Yamamoto

    I sure know how you feel. But that ride at the end must have been nice. Keep a pair of Tieks in your purse, or just wear them instead next time. I have 8 pairs and can’t do without them.

    1. Elizabeth

      Definitely! That’s a great idea, Sharon. Thanks for the tip, I’ll check them out.

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