Still Thinking About Mother’s Day…


Still Thinking About Mother’s Day…

I’m still thinking about Mother’s Day, even if it’s a month later. I didn’t have a particularly eventful Mother’s Day but I did receive some interesting gifts from people and companies that I didn’t expect.

It started on Delta. The flight attendants were so incredibly nice. One offered me a bag filled with Hershey’s kisses. Hillary Vinokur and her family sent me a plant and when I came home from San Francisco, it was sitting on the front porch for me! That evening, we went to Nagahama in Long Beach. Nagahama is a sushi restaurant and since we weren’t that hungry being on the plane all day, we thought sushi would be perfect. After dinner, I received a beautiful red rose.

But the most interesting gift I received for Mother’s Day came from Coca-Cola. They gave me a flower from the Artisan Collection and was handmade by a woman artisan part of The Coca-Cola Company’s 5by20 Program.  They wrote, “this token not only symbolizes our appreciation but also brings about a connection between you and the women around the globe who also share this amazing journey called motherhood.”

Here’s a video they sent me — Give it a look, it was very inspiring!