Tips On Not Working 24/7 When Working at Home

Virtual assistant

Many of us are still working at home due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. But, who would have thought that working from home means working 24/7? That’s right, that’s exactly what most of us are doing. We’re not setting boundaries. We are answering emails at every hour of the day and we are accepting phone calls on the weekends.

But is that good?

According to Inc. Magazine, working too many hours leads to “burn out, health issues and poor productivity.”

Here are some tips on staying on track while working at home:

  • Shut off all of your notifications! In the beginning, it will drive you nuts, but you will thank me for it. Once you get used to it it’s like a new freedom.
  • Don’t look at your phone or answer text messages immediately — They will be there when you are ready for them.
  • If a business associate or client calls on the weekend and it’s an emergency, they will leave a message.
  • If you are outside or with your family, leave the phone at home. (Easier said than done but again, you will thank me.)

These tips should help you get back on a regular schedule so that you have more of a work-life balance. 

If you have any other tips, please provide in the comment section below. (Hey, you never know, you may win a free copy of my book, Branding in a Digital World!)