Twitter Power 3.0 Book Review By Elizabeth Montoya

Twitter Power 3.0 Book Review

“Like me. Know me. Trust me. Pay me.”

Twitter Power 3.0 Book ReviewJoel Comm and Dave Taylor have taken note of the effective strategies (including the one above) that have dominated Twitter for years and wrapped it up in their latest book, Twitter Power 3.0.

With more than 302 million monthly active users, Twitter is a great platform for business owners and bloggers to help further their online visibility. Comm and Taylor provide a complete breakdown of Twitter- providing helpful tips and strategies to help first-time users get started.

They begin with an introduction into the current Social Media landscape. Comm and Taylor explain how important it has become to generate online visibility for offline leads.

They then delve into Twitter and how to create an account on the network. Comm and Taylor break down the step-by-step process involved to set up attention-grabbing profiles and how important the bio is. They even give a formula to create a funny and witty bio for personal pages!

Once the page is set up, Comm and Taylor then ask the reader about content.

They also stress the importance of having actual conversations on Twitter, regardless of the type of profile it is. For businesses, Comm & Taylor suggest contests, feedback, special offers, storytelling and customer support. They also suggest that businesses focus on the community and their needs and use the profile as a single representation of the company. They also provide details on how to drive purchases through Twitter too.

The authors also discuss the various categories of tweets that are constantly posted on the network.

  • Classic Tweets- “This is what I’m doing right now”
  • Opinion Tweets- “This is what I’m thinking right now”
  • Mission Accomplished Tweets- “This is what I’ve just done”
  • Entertainment Tweets- “I’m making you laugh now”
  • Question Tweets- “Can you help me with something now”
  • Picture Tweets- “Look what I’ve been doing.”

Comm and Taylor also cover advertising tactics, third party tools and examples of accounts that follow the outlined strategies.

If you’re a business owner or blogger that wants to tap into Twitter, Twitter 3.0 is the perfect guide.


Elizabeth Montoya is a Senior Account Executive at HJMT Public Relations Inc.