Are There Any Old Fashioned Doctors on Long Island?

Do you remember watching Dr. Kildare?

The show ran from 1961 – 1966. I don’t remember watching it but it gave me the perception that all doctors cared.  When I started going to the doctor on my own, I realized that I was just another number in his book of numbers.

Until I met Dr. George Lowy of Long Beach, NY.  He’s not the typical doctor who thinks you’re just a number. He’s an old fashioned doctor who cares.

Whenever I have a cold or I’m just feeling ill, I call him up, he gets me right in. (His staff is amazing too. They are extremely helpful and provide quality customer service, very rare for a doctor’s office staff these days.)

The other day, I had some family members over my house and ordered dinner from a local catering company.  The food was magnificent but when I woke up the next day I didn’t feel well. My issues got progressively worse as the week went on and I ended up calling Dr. Lowy.  It was Sunday. He called me right back and told me to get some tests at the hospital. I started to argue with him but he shut me up…. “Listen, you need blood work. If you go to the hospital they will take all the blood work and then we can get the results back quickly…”

The debate in my mind continued as I drove to the hospital – should I go? Should I just rest it out?

I walked into the ER. I was surprisingly taken right away.  This was a first! They put me in a room and started to give me fluid for my dehydration.  They also gave me a cat scan. As I was lying on the table, guess who walked in?  Dr. Lowy!

He was so caring that he took time out of his day to come to the hospital.  Now how many doctors would actually do that on a Sunday?

You know what happened to the old fashioned doctor?  I found him. Thank you Doctor Lowy for being so special.