Harried Mornings…

Good morningHow do you deal with your mornings? I have one child in the house now and I find myself putting on my suit and knocking on his door for him to get up. Five minutes later, I knock on the door again. Another five minutes goes by and I’m screaming to get in the shower.

Once he’s in the shower, I can’t get him out. I knock on the door at least five times. When I knock and say, “get out now…,” he says to me “okay, I’ll be out in a minute.” He doesn’t get out in a minute and I have to keep going to the bathroom to try to get him out.

In the meantime, while all this is going on, I’m trying to get dressed, put makeup on and blow dry my hair.

Once I finally get him out of the shower, he sits in a towel in his room. Another five knocks before he walks into the kitchen. While I’m running back and forth between his room and the kitchen, I’m making his lunch and my lunch.

He finally comes into the kitchen to eat breakfast. Now I get a slight break to eat breakfast too.

He finishes his breakfast, brushes his teeth and packs up his backpack. He’s usually yelling at me at this point saying “come on Mom, let’s go….”

Half ready, I get the keys, bring out all my bags for work and I start the car. I sit in the car and wait. I feel like I’ve already completed my day and can’t believe I still have a full day ahead of me.

Do you have a similar situation? How do you deal with it?

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  1. Anonymous

    I’d like to know what you are doing in my house.  It’s the exact same here.  My oldest is woken up at least 4 times before he gets in the shower, and then after he is finally ready, he is rushing us to get him to school.  I’m just glad it isn’t just me.

    1. Hilary JM Topper, MPA

      So funny…. I’m glad it’s not just me too… It’s so hard to get ready and get them ready at the same time… Thanks for sharing your experience… 

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